„In just over five months, the 2024 European elections will mark a moment of unprecedented gravity and opportunity. Our planet urgently needs climate action, war looms at the doors of the European Union, and social inequalities widen. Now is the moment to steer Europe towards a greener, fairer, and more prosperous future. This weekend, we gather in Lyon, uniting our European Green family. The stakes of the next European elections are high: people will have to choose between isolation or openness, nationalism or collaboration. We, the Greens, are clear about our choice: We stand for a Europe that bravely tackles climate change, fights for social justice, and opposes dictatorship and aggression. |
In Lyon, we will set the course for the next five months. In these five months, we will campaign tirelessly across Europe against climate denial, right-wing extremism, and regressive politics. Look at Spain and Poland. Last year’s elections were a beacon of hope – the far-right was defeated, and the Greens are now in government. Positive change is possible – and that’s what we fight for“, say Mélanie Vogel & Thomas Waitz, Co-chairs of the European Green Party |
And we, the European Green Seniors, want to reach more older people in Europe in the future. We have therefore submitted an amendment via the Flemish delegation, which is also supported by the German delegation.
Here is the wording: “As Greens, we will take a stand against ageism in European policies. The group of very old people is currently the fastest growing group in Europe and we need to be demographically resilient. Therefore, we support measures that promote the inclusion of older people and their participation in policy matters, such as becoming a member in the Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities of the World Health Organization.”
The European Green Party decided before to have a section addressing ageism but also issues affecting older people in general. Thank especially to Jamie, Political Advisor of EGP for his formulations.
For us, however, the WHO-Network of Age-Friendly Cities and the political participation of older people were missing. Now we hope very much that our amendment will be accepted.
And that many delegates will visit us at our stand and at our events.
On Saturday lunch time we will have a performance in the lobby about our demands.
And at 2 pm to 4 pm we will start our debate „How green seniors can make the difference in the coming elections“. As soon as we get a link from EGP, we will publish it here.