5 Years ENGS (Press Release)

Five years are only the beginning

The European Network of Green Seniors (ENGS) has been on its way since five years on the European level for Green politics for seniors.

In many European countries the life expectancy of seniors is rising.
Instead of thinking that this part of the population is a debit to our society and instead of shortening their pensions, the countries should make us of their valuable resources.

Especially elderly people are giving a big contribution to our society with their honorary engagement and their financial transfers to the following generations.

The Green seniors of Europe have no time for a peaceful retirement.

They are intensively working on new projects and concepts for a good and healthy life in old age, demand new generation contracts based on solidarity and publish a new book ‘Happy Ageing – another ageing in Europe is possible’ that will show the way to new important projects.
Besides projects that will mainly offer lifelong learning an support in everyday life, it will also contain models for alternative living in old age, exchange of volunteers, projects for civil participation, etc.

As ENGS we have in the last five years regularly participated at European conferences, are presently in contact with 14 European countries and are creating Green groups of seniors in these countries.
Representatives of these groups also have political mandates and are participating to bring a new style into senior politics with their important impulses.

A strong and committed team with chairman Tony Cooreman is happy to celebrate this five years anniversary accordingly and to engage ourselves with vitality in the next years. Because ‘elections are won with the seniors’, as an important market researcher once stated.

If you want to know more about us, visit our website

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