Statutes ENGS


Article 1: Name

An international non-profit organisation was set up bearing the name of “European Network of Green Seniors”, abbreviated “ENGS”, in accord with the Belgian law of October 25th 1919 and recognised by Royal decree of March 20th 1996.

The organisation is now under the rules of title III of the Belgian law of 27 June 1921 concerning the non profit organisations, the international non profit organisations and the foundations.

Article 2: Address of the administrative seat

The seat of the organisation is at the address: Rue Wiertz 31, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium.

The seat can be moved to any other place in Belgium by decision of the Board, if published in the annexes of the Moniteur Belge.

Article 3: Objective

a) To promote on an European level political consciousness of elderly people as members of a member party of the European Green Party (EGP).

b) To assist national organisations of elderly people or, if not present, elderly members, of member parties of the EGP, in contributing the goals of the EGP, especially concerning but not limited to the interests of elderly people.

c) To provide a forum where elderly people, members of a member party of the EGP, can engage in a meaningful dialogue.

d) To bring into the EGP the life long political experience of  their members and the issues discussed within the ENGS.

e) These objectives can be reached in every way, within the laws of the states involved, including European law.

Article 4: Members

The organisation is open to representatives of national or regional organisations of elderly people or, if not present, of the elderly members of member parties of the EGP in accordance with the competence of the board, mentioned in article 8.1.

Article 5: Membership fee

The organisations of elderly people, mentioned in the article 4  pay a yearly contribution as determined by the General Assembly. If such an organisation does not exist, the individual elderly members of member parties of the EGP shall determine their contribution.

Article 6: The General Assembly

Article 6.1. Powers of the General Assembly

The General Assembly (GA) has the broadest competence in order to achieve the goals and activities of the organisation.

To the exclusive competence of the GA belong the following:

a) changing the statutes;

b) electing and expelling Board members ;

c) determining the membership fee;

d) approval of the budget and the annual accounts;

e) voluntarily disbanding the organisation;

f) other powers:

  • the acceptance and changing of the internal working rules
  • the acceptance and changing of the political platform.

Article 6.2. Composition

The GA consists of all members.

Every member, being a representative of the respective member party, participates in the GA. However, there shall be one vote for the total amount of representatives of one member party only.

Article 6.3. Meeting and Official Call

The General Assembly meets and is chaired by a member of the Board. The GA meets every year on any place as described in the Official Call.

The Official Call will be made by the Board and will be sent out by email or any other communication tool. The Official Call shall be issued at least one month before the GA and will contain the points of the agenda.

An extraordinary meeting of the GA can be called by the Board or representatives of at least three member parties in case they judge that an unforeseen and extraordinary situation has arisen which makes it necessary for the GA to meet.


The Board who wishes to call an extraordinary GA, informs by signed letter the representatives. The Board has 8 days after receiving the letter to make the necessary preparations and issues the call.

The call will be made by the Board and will be sent out by email or any other communication tool. The call shall be issued at least 8 days before the GA and will contain the points on the agenda.

Article 6.4. Decision making

The GA can only take binding decisions if more than half of the member parties are represented.

The GA can add points to the agenda of the meeting.

Except in the cases foreseen in these statutes, all decisions are taken by simple majority of the present and represented member parties.

All decisions taken will be communicated to the members in the following way. The minutes of the GA will be sent out to the members within one month to all members by email or any other communication tool.

The decisions of the GA are noted down in a register, signed by the president and kept by the secretary general who ensures the accessibility of the register in the office of the secretary general.

Article 6.5. Financial control

Every yearly meeting the GA appoints three of his members, not being members of the board, to control the financial reports of the treasurer. They will make a report at the next yearly meeting on the results of their investigations.

Article 7: Changing the statutes and disbanding the organisation

All proposals for changing the statutes or disbanding the organisation will come from the Board or can be made by representatives from at least three member parties.

The Board has to inform the members at least one month before about the date of the GA on which will be discussed and on the proposals themselves as well.

The GA can only change the statutes with a two thirds (2/3) majority.

In case the quorum of 2/3 of the votes is not reached, a second meeting will be called. This meeting can only take binding decisions on the proposals of the first GA 30 days later, with a majority of 2/3 of the votes never mind how many representatives present.

The GA decides the way the organisation will disband and fulfil its obligation.

The assets after the disbanding will be donated to a legal person with similar goals as the disbanded organisation, as decided by the GA.

Article 8: Board

Article 8.1. Competence

The Board is entrusted with all matters of management concern except those belonging to the GA including acceptance or non-acceptance of new members.

Article 8.2. Composition

The organisation is run by the Board, consisting of at least three members, among which the president, secretary general and treasurer.

The members are elected by the GA for 3 years and their mandate can be renewed two times. Their function will be ceased by death, resignation, civil incapacity or guardianship, dismissal or ending of the term of their mandate.

Board members can be dismissed by the GA who decides with a two thirds (2/3) majority. In the case a mandate is not filled up, the Board can appoint a substitute who continues the mandate until the next GA.

The GA elects the president, the secretary general and the treasurer .

Article 8.3. Meeting and call

The Board meets at least two times a year. The call will be sent out by the secretary general by email or any other communication tool.

Article 8.4. Decision making

The Board can only meet validly if at least more than half of its elected members are present.

Decisions of the Board are taken by simply majority of the members present .

Article 8.5. Register of decisions

The decisions are noted down in a register, signed by the president and kept by the secretary general who ensures the accessibility of the register to the members in the office of the secretary general.

Article 9: Legal representation of the organisation

All documents binding the organisation need to be, except in cases of special mandates, signed by two members of the Board and who need to present justification of their mandate to third parties.

The Board acts for the organisation as plaintiff or defender in juridical cases and is represented in them by a member of the Board.

Article 10: Budget and annual account

The fiscal year of the organisation starts January 1st and ends December 31st.

In accordance with article 53 of the law the annual accounts of the previous fiscal year as also the budget of the next fiscal year are made every year by the Board for approval presented to the GA at its next meeting.

Article 11: General provisions

For everything that is not foreseen in the statutes above, and especially concerning the publications in the annexes to the Moniteur Belge, will be acted in accordance with the provisions of title III of the law of 27 June 1921 concerning the non profit organisations, international non profit organisations and the foundations.

Tony Cooreman                   Ute Schmitz

Chairman ENGS                 Secretary General

