Old age women confernce 2. April 2014 „Old age pensions for women -. Entitlement and poverty avoidance“. 3 rd. – 4 th. April 2014, Vienna, Austria. (Hofburg). The…
The future of Age 24. March 2014 How will we live 2025 as old people? What do we need then? New Technology as help for daily life? New…
CARE REVOLUTION 14.-16.3.2014 Berlin 15. March 2014 Action Conference For a good life for everyone worldwide! The crisis of social reproduction To care for ourselves and others…
Wenn alte Menschen straffällig werden… 12. March 2014 Alte Menschen werden ebenso wie jüngere Menschen straffällig. Ihre Gründe dafür sind sehr unterschiedlich. Dass allerdings zunehmende Armut und hier Altersarmut…
Important News: European Instrument on the human rights of older persons 11. March 2014 PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 20 February 2014 Council of Europe adopts first European instrument on the human rights of older persons Council…
Austerity policy is dangerous 9. March 20149. March 2014 Poverty is rising up from working age to retirement. Austerity policy destroy the future of ageing people. http://www.dw.de/eu-sounds-alarm-on-poverty-among-working-age-people/a-17376498
365 days Womens day for young and old 4. March 2014 Age discrimination for women? Not with us! Women learn quickly. What it means to be too young or too old. To…
The future of Age 24. March 2014 How will we live 2025 as old people? What do we need then? New Technology as help for daily life? New…
Wenn alte Menschen straffällig werden… 12. March 2014 Alte Menschen werden ebenso wie jüngere Menschen straffällig. Ihre Gründe dafür sind sehr unterschiedlich. Dass allerdings zunehmende Armut und hier Altersarmut…
Austerity policy is dangerous 9. March 20149. March 2014 Poverty is rising up from working age to retirement. Austerity policy destroy the future of ageing people. http://www.dw.de/eu-sounds-alarm-on-poverty-among-working-age-people/a-17376498
365 days Womens day for young and old 4. March 2014 Age discrimination for women? Not with us! Women learn quickly. What it means to be too young or too old. To…