HelpAge international 20. January 201420. January 2014 “HelpAge International helps older people claim their rights, challenge discrimination and overcome poverty, so that they can lead dignified, secure, active…
Merry christmas – but not for all? 21. December 2013 life-expectancy-for-slovak-roma-less-than-in-africa…
It is time to improve the lives of older Roma 18. December 2013 For many Roma, 8 April is a day to celebrate Roma cultures, histories and identities. Since 2012 is the European Year…
Learning for the EU-election campaign 6. December 2013 Green European Foundation Seminar for EU-Election 2014. With some candidats and campaigners – 3 days in Bruxelles. A lot to learn…
Green Europe 30. November 2013 Green Symposium Austria with important topics for the European elections in 2014. Who our green candidates will be elected to the…
FOLKE PENSION DENMARK – how it works 26. November 201326. November 2013 Folkepension – is it a role model for European Pensionsystems? How can other countries follow this model? Is it justice, solidarity…
Style and fashion for new Age 24. November 2013 New style, new fashion, new image of Age – we are the rocking the world
It is time to improve the lives of older Roma 18. December 2013 For many Roma, 8 April is a day to celebrate Roma cultures, histories and identities. Since 2012 is the European Year…
Green Europe 30. November 2013 Green Symposium Austria with important topics for the European elections in 2014. Who our green candidates will be elected to the…
Style and fashion for new Age 24. November 2013 New style, new fashion, new image of Age – we are the rocking the world