Ageing and Age in Germany and EU 22. November 2013 An overview about the “third part of life” in Germany and EU The situation in the European countries and the living…
Viennas protest rail 2014 19. November 2013 Vienna protest trail. This way we will be going in june 2014. event as the green seniors Austria. together with all…
This is the future! 19. November 201319. November 2013 Panel Discussion Board Green model – the future project In an event of the Austrian Greens seniors discussed socialexpert Lukas Wurz,…
Wenn ich einmal alt bin… 15. November 2013 Rentnerleben: Öde oder spaßig? Schüler sehen Zukunft positiv entgegen Ist das Rentner-Dasein langweilig? Oder ist es toll, den lieben langen Tag…
Mapping the green transformation – 2013 12. November 2013 PRINT EDITION: MAPPING THE GREEN TRANSFORMATION Print Edition / 31/07/2013 The Editorial Board of the Green European Journal introduces the special…
Fortress Lampedusa 9. November 2013 Against Fortress Europe! At least 2,000 people have already drowned off Lampedusa. European asylum policy is inhumane.
best network meeting tomorrow 9.11.13 8. November 2013 Eurooean Council 9.11.13 brussels 9.11.13 19:15 21:00 Parallel sessions: Compromise Amendment Session on Resolutions Treasurer’s Network meeting European Network of…
Go Green – Green Seniors 8. November 2013 What participants from European Green Party think and say about green seniors and aging Paris, 2012
Viennas protest rail 2014 19. November 2013 Vienna protest trail. This way we will be going in june 2014. event as the green seniors Austria. together with all…
Wenn ich einmal alt bin… 15. November 2013 Rentnerleben: Öde oder spaßig? Schüler sehen Zukunft positiv entgegen Ist das Rentner-Dasein langweilig? Oder ist es toll, den lieben langen Tag…
Fortress Lampedusa 9. November 2013 Against Fortress Europe! At least 2,000 people have already drowned off Lampedusa. European asylum policy is inhumane.
Go Green – Green Seniors 8. November 2013 What participants from European Green Party think and say about green seniors and aging Paris, 2012