WHO: Age-friendly Mentoring Program 13. April 2022 This is really a great program from the World Health Organization: Over 120 people from around 25 countries who are interested…
Good News from Germany 9. February 20229. February 2022 The federal green seniors started together with the federal executive board of greens a process to win more older people in…
GroenPlus in the Flanders 9. February 2022 News from our Green Seniors Member Kris Fierens: It has again been difficult in recent months to organize activities with GroenPlus.,…
Age-friendly City in Nuremberg 20. January 202220. January 2022 Text: Christa Möller-Metzger, Hamburg, Germany It was the 2nd meeting of the newly founded Silver Greens in Nuremberg, Germany, and I…
Merry Christmas with corona 23. December 202110. January 2022 Christa Möller-Metzger, Hamburg: At the moment it is snowing in Hamburg, but the wheather forecast says, that there will be rain…
What has the Older Generation ever done for the environment? A polemic view by one such Oldie. 2. December 2021 What kind of emotions does a headline like the one above trigger? Does it depend on the age of the reader? Should we start by saying that any animosities between generations serve no purpose other than to divide groups that need to share their energies and knowledge in order to literally save the basis of continued civilized human existence?
EGP Meeting in Budapest digital now! 12. November 20215. December 2021 Corona changes things quickly: The meeting in Budapest is a virtuel one. So our plans (as written below) are cancelled. The…
Visit in Helsinki 12. November 202112. November 2021 How wonderful, meeting of Green Seniors in Helsinki, in the beautiful Kapelli Restaurant in Esplanade Park. I, Christa Möller-Metzger from Germany,…
Good News from Germany 9. February 20229. February 2022 The federal green seniors started together with the federal executive board of greens a process to win more older people in…
Age-friendly City in Nuremberg 20. January 202220. January 2022 Text: Christa Möller-Metzger, Hamburg, Germany It was the 2nd meeting of the newly founded Silver Greens in Nuremberg, Germany, and I…
What has the Older Generation ever done for the environment? A polemic view by one such Oldie. 2. December 2021 What kind of emotions does a headline like the one above trigger? Does it depend on the age of the reader? Should we start by saying that any animosities between generations serve no purpose other than to divide groups that need to share their energies and knowledge in order to literally save the basis of continued civilized human existence?
Visit in Helsinki 12. November 202112. November 2021 How wonderful, meeting of Green Seniors in Helsinki, in the beautiful Kapelli Restaurant in Esplanade Park. I, Christa Möller-Metzger from Germany,…