Mistakes in Finland and uncoordinated exit in Germany 5. May 202020. September 2020 New informations from our ENGS Members in Germany and Finland Christa from Hamburg According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the…
Three-year annual report for 2016-19 5. October 201925. November 2022 ENGS holds every third year an election of the board at the General Assembly. Usually ENGS holds a General assembly every…
Invitation to the General Assembly in Tampere, Finland 8-10. November 2019 5. October 20195. October 2019 Vienna 4 October 2019 Dear representatives of Green Seniors You are cordially invited to the next General Assembly (GA) on the…
GREEN AND ACTIVE IN OLD AGE! 20. March 2019 19 Feb 2019 Finnish Greens’ Parliamentary Fraction published their senior policy guidelines, prepared in cooperation with the Aged Greens in Finland…
Bulletin on climate change from Finnish elderly Greens 18. February 201919. March 2019 From Reino Lampinen, legal officer, Finland In Finland, this spring we will have two major elections: parliamentary elections in April and…
Letter to the EGP 3. July 2018 Following the fringe meeting in Antwerp we wrote a letter to the Chairs of the European Green Party as well as…
Losing Elections by losing the elderly Voters 23. May 2018 Frank Hauser in ENGS fringe meeting during the EGP Council in Antwerp 19 May 2018 Facts and Data about an alarming…
ENGS with TILT! 19. May 201819. May 2018 TILT! European Green Council Antwerpen starts with Campaign https://europeangreens.eu/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=7087&qid=1054820
Three-year annual report for 2016-19 5. October 201925. November 2022 ENGS holds every third year an election of the board at the General Assembly. Usually ENGS holds a General assembly every…
GREEN AND ACTIVE IN OLD AGE! 20. March 2019 19 Feb 2019 Finnish Greens’ Parliamentary Fraction published their senior policy guidelines, prepared in cooperation with the Aged Greens in Finland…
Letter to the EGP 3. July 2018 Following the fringe meeting in Antwerp we wrote a letter to the Chairs of the European Green Party as well as…
ENGS with TILT! 19. May 201819. May 2018 TILT! European Green Council Antwerpen starts with Campaign https://europeangreens.eu/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=7087&qid=1054820