We invite you! – European Green Seniors Network-Meeting 1. November 2013 Invitation to Network Meeting Green Seniors at the European Green Party Council in Brussels 8.-10.November 2013 Seniors as Green Voters for…
Migrant older in Europe 24. October 2013 The population of elderly migrants increases in europe. walking motion and escape has changed europes population. How are the conditions for…
Unless women – an EU-project life long learning 21. October 201321. October 2013 Women on the Rise – Unlearned Lessons Projectleader for Auatrian group: Mag.a Gerti Zupanich Presentation 21th october 2013 Vienna with participants…
Gegen Gewalt an älteren Menschen – Ute Schmitz 18. October 201318. October 2013 Gewalt gegen ältere Menschen Zum ersten Mal wurde ich mit dem Thema bei einem Vortrag in Wien bei den Wiener SeniorInnen…
First time informell carers in Austrian Parliament 17. October 201318. October 2013 Because the government benches in Austrian Parliament is just released, we have to occupied on the future of nursing. © Parlamentsdirektion/Bildagentur…
Carer with a heart 16. October 201316. October 2013 16.10.13 Vienna – today in another function. As a jury member at the press conference in Wiener Städtische the initiative “carer…
Fight against poverty – on the right track? 14. October 2013 Tue, 15.10.2013 / 17.00 – 19.00 clock JOUR FIXE SOMA markets are an appropriate means of preventing poverty? Green House Vienna…
Quality of live in Old Age in Czech 11. October 201311. October 2013 Report from Czech Ministry Better living and working conditions, higher quality of health care and higher level of social protection lead…
Migrant older in Europe 24. October 2013 The population of elderly migrants increases in europe. walking motion and escape has changed europes population. How are the conditions for…
Gegen Gewalt an älteren Menschen – Ute Schmitz 18. October 201318. October 2013 Gewalt gegen ältere Menschen Zum ersten Mal wurde ich mit dem Thema bei einem Vortrag in Wien bei den Wiener SeniorInnen…
Carer with a heart 16. October 201316. October 2013 16.10.13 Vienna – today in another function. As a jury member at the press conference in Wiener Städtische the initiative “carer…
Quality of live in Old Age in Czech 11. October 201311. October 2013 Report from Czech Ministry Better living and working conditions, higher quality of health care and higher level of social protection lead…