ENGS goes European Green Party Council Zagreb, May 2015 28. April 2015 Climate Change – The Long Way to Save Our World Organiser: ENGS together with FYEG When: Friday, 15 May 2015, Zagreb Hotel…
Womens day 2015 5. March 2015 Women, who don´t claim anything, will not get anything. Great words, as always …. Simone de Beauvoir Generationpolicy for Womens World…
For Generationpolicy 27. February 2015 Vienna Green Party elected their new candidates for next council elcetions. I am designated local councillor and working for generation policy,…
Wenn die Renten sinken 25. January 2015 Starkes Absinken des Rentenniveaus in Deutschland Das Rentenniveau ist in Deutschland in den vergangenen Jahren stark gesunken und wird noch weiter…
Developed in order to help everyone? 20. December 2014 Rich countries like Austria, Germany or Belgium and others devote part of their budget for development cooperation in Europe and around…
Central European Round Table in Vienna 7. December 2014 10th Central European Round Tabl of Green Local Councillors Vienna, 5th-7th December 2014 CERT is the place, listen to green friends…
For Generationpolicy 27. February 2015 Vienna Green Party elected their new candidates for next council elcetions. I am designated local councillor and working for generation policy,…
Central European Round Table in Vienna 7. December 2014 10th Central European Round Tabl of Green Local Councillors Vienna, 5th-7th December 2014 CERT is the place, listen to green friends…