The dream team 12. November 201312. November 2013 Our dream team: green seniors europe at the European Green Party Council, November 2013, Brussel Marjatta Donner, Walter Decoene, Vivianne Gunnarsson,…
Mapping the green transformation – 2013 12. November 2013 PRINT EDITION: MAPPING THE GREEN TRANSFORMATION Print Edition / 31/07/2013 The Editorial Board of the Green European Journal introduces the special…
Fortress Lampedusa 9. November 2013 Against Fortress Europe! At least 2,000 people have already drowned off Lampedusa. European asylum policy is inhumane.
We invite you! – European Green Seniors Network-Meeting 1. November 2013 Invitation to Network Meeting Green Seniors at the European Green Party Council in Brussels 8.-10.November 2013 Seniors as Green Voters for…
Migrant older in Europe 24. October 2013 The population of elderly migrants increases in europe. walking motion and escape has changed europes population. How are the conditions for…
Gegen Gewalt an älteren Menschen – Ute Schmitz 18. October 201318. October 2013 Gewalt gegen ältere Menschen Zum ersten Mal wurde ich mit dem Thema bei einem Vortrag in Wien bei den Wiener SeniorInnen…
First time informell carers in Austrian Parliament 17. October 201318. October 2013 Because the government benches in Austrian Parliament is just released, we have to occupied on the future of nursing. © Parlamentsdirektion/Bildagentur…
Carer with a heart 16. October 201316. October 2013 16.10.13 Vienna – today in another function. As a jury member at the press conference in Wiener Städtische the initiative “carer…
Mapping the green transformation – 2013 12. November 2013 PRINT EDITION: MAPPING THE GREEN TRANSFORMATION Print Edition / 31/07/2013 The Editorial Board of the Green European Journal introduces the special…
We invite you! – European Green Seniors Network-Meeting 1. November 2013 Invitation to Network Meeting Green Seniors at the European Green Party Council in Brussels 8.-10.November 2013 Seniors as Green Voters for…
Gegen Gewalt an älteren Menschen – Ute Schmitz 18. October 201318. October 2013 Gewalt gegen ältere Menschen Zum ersten Mal wurde ich mit dem Thema bei einem Vortrag in Wien bei den Wiener SeniorInnen…
Carer with a heart 16. October 201316. October 2013 16.10.13 Vienna – today in another function. As a jury member at the press conference in Wiener Städtische the initiative “carer…