Weil Engagement Freude macht 4. October 20134. October 2013 Freiwilliges Engagement älterer Menschen Durch die Zunahme der Lebenserwartung und die längere Gesundheit im Alter erhält die nachberufliche Phase für SeniorInnen…
Green Generationpolitics Austria 4. October 20134. October 2013 Green Election Campaign 2013 was successful! We have 12.43 %, 24 mandate and successfull generationpolitics.
Germany, Berlin: Too many drugs prescribed to older people 5. July 2013 According to the drug report of the health insurance Barmer GEK (German national health insurance), one third of senior citizens are…
Jocelyne’s Blog: a 65 yrs old person with a mission 25. October 201225. October 2012 New entry, 24.10,2012: When one registers on the couchsurfing site, one is asked to say what one’s mission is ….. when…
Senior Rights 22. October 201222. October 2012 The European Green Seniors have been part of the European Green Party Council for the past five years – as observers.…
Jocelyne’s Blog: Journey Dilemna ! 22. October 201222. October 2012 New entry,11.10. : Now comes the time for choice! Nightie or pyjamas ? Ear plugs or ear phones? Chocolate or no chocolate?…
Aktion: Wien – altersgerechte Stadt? 3. October 20123. October 2012 Großstädte wie Wien haben im Laufe der letzten Jahre viele bauliche und verkehrsmässige Veränderungen und Verbesserungen erlebt. Ob sie sich auch…
Adequate pensions for all in the EU 27. September 201227. September 2012 Jocelyne Le Boulicaut, member of the Board of ENGS, on pensions in Europe: Ensuring adequate pensions for all in the EUis…
Green Generationpolitics Austria 4. October 20134. October 2013 Green Election Campaign 2013 was successful! We have 12.43 %, 24 mandate and successfull generationpolitics.
Jocelyne’s Blog: a 65 yrs old person with a mission 25. October 201225. October 2012 New entry, 24.10,2012: When one registers on the couchsurfing site, one is asked to say what one’s mission is ….. when…
Jocelyne’s Blog: Journey Dilemna ! 22. October 201222. October 2012 New entry,11.10. : Now comes the time for choice! Nightie or pyjamas ? Ear plugs or ear phones? Chocolate or no chocolate?…
Adequate pensions for all in the EU 27. September 201227. September 2012 Jocelyne Le Boulicaut, member of the Board of ENGS, on pensions in Europe: Ensuring adequate pensions for all in the EUis…