Developed in order to help everyone? 20. December 2014 Rich countries like Austria, Germany or Belgium and others devote part of their budget for development cooperation in Europe and around…
Central European Round Table in Vienna 7. December 2014 10th Central European Round Tabl of Green Local Councillors Vienna, 5th-7th December 2014 CERT is the place, listen to green friends…
Talks on the Bosporus 5. December 2014 Gespräche am Bosporus – die europäischen Grünen SeniorInnen in Istanbul Was passiert in der Megastadt Istanbul und in der Türkei? Aus…
Work, Talk and Discussion at the Bosporus 8. November 20148. November 2014 Green Seniors with full programm at the European Green Party Council in Istanbul. General Assembly, board meeting, wonderful Workshop “How to…
Do you want to know, whats going on in Swedish Green Senior Group? 19. October 201414. November 2014 Green Seniors, Member briefs November 2013 summary Dear member of Green Seniors This is the third year in a row that…
Book of the month! 12. October 2014 Brand New Published this month! The Vintage Generation, The Rocking Chair Revolution: Green Economics and Older People Edited by Birgit Meinhard-Schiebel…
Sweden Election 2014 for Greens 5. October 20145. October 2014 Green Seniors part of the green election success The Swedish Green Party first entered parliament 1988, as the first new party…
Developed in order to help everyone? 20. December 2014 Rich countries like Austria, Germany or Belgium and others devote part of their budget for development cooperation in Europe and around…
Talks on the Bosporus 5. December 2014 Gespräche am Bosporus – die europäischen Grünen SeniorInnen in Istanbul Was passiert in der Megastadt Istanbul und in der Türkei? Aus…
Do you want to know, whats going on in Swedish Green Senior Group? 19. October 201414. November 2014 Green Seniors, Member briefs November 2013 summary Dear member of Green Seniors This is the third year in a row that…
Sweden Election 2014 for Greens 5. October 20145. October 2014 Green Seniors part of the green election success The Swedish Green Party first entered parliament 1988, as the first new party…