Coworking Resolution on Elderly Care

Voting of the resolution of elderly care in Riga

Kris and Irmgard represented the green seniors on the 35th EGP Council in Riga from June 3rd to 5th. Thank you both! Ahead of the Council, a resolution by the Flemish green delegation on care for the elderly in all countries, represented by ENGS, was discussed. Some green senior organization in different countries have proposed amendments, the proposed amendments were unanimously approved by the Green Seniors. We, the green seniors, are very pleased that all our proposals were accepted and passed on June 4th. Great that there is now a European green position paper on elderly care!

To introduce our amendments, our new Secretary General Irmgard Seidler gave the following speech on the CAS Session 4th June: „Dear Green Presidents, Ministers, Parliamentarians, Delegates, Global Greens! Speaking in the name of the European Network Green Seniors and in support of the Flemish Greens Proposal for a UN Convention on the Rights of Older Persons. I would first like to introduce our organization: European Network of Green Seniors – ENGS. I am the Austrian Representative. We are proud to be the First Generation of Greens in Europe! For over 40 years we deliberated, debated, influenced and changed politics for the better of society. Often times it seemed like a battle between David and Goliath. But we Greens held together and developed into a strong force in many governments. Yet, there is a very sore point for our organization: As seniors, we are excluded from direct political decision-making in the Green Party. The world has become a very fragile and dangerous place. If global disaster is to be averted, it needs all of us to work closely together. As you have so rightly stated yesterday, the world needs more Greens – to forge new ways into a peaceful future – urgently. Why then this exclusion of our organization? It lacks logic!

The delegation of Green Seniors and the Flemish delegation

Now to the issue at hand: The Resolution of the Flemish Greens, calling for UN Convention on the Rights of Older Persons. We all know the myriad of excuses from neoliberal interests and politics to ignore social issues. Their rhetoric is totally distorted: „Who should pay?“ With this mantra demands are silenced, senses are dulled. Yet, the huge disparity between the rich and the poor can never be justified, nor economically explained. We know: Good and timely care is more cost-effective than neglect United Nations General Assembly Resolution 46/91 „UN Principles for Older Persons“ has almost been forgotten, despite many Green Party efforts, or those from civil society, such as the NGO Committee on Ageing at the United Nations who seek to „promote further integration of ageing issues into UN policies“. What is really overdue: Political action from the highest level to implement and guarantee all rights of Older Persons. We therefore stand firmly behind the Flemisch Greens resolution, including amendments, in their call for a UN Convention on the Rights of Older Persons We ask all of you for your support!

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