Our days in Copenhagen were really successfull, we had a lot of good talkings at our stand with the finish environment minister, Emily Büning, political Geschäftsführerin (general secretary) from Germany and Thomas Waitz, Board of the European Green Parties for example and so many interested guests, young and old, all over Europe. And we were able to distribute our wonderful new flyer about our 10 goals of the Manifesto.
And we had a wonderful roll up (thanks Kris!!) which increased our visibility!
We held our general assembly and voted a new president and vice chair:

Kris Fierens from Belgium is president now, Christa Möller-Metzger from Germany vice chair.
After the formalities, we presented the WHO AfC project, which attracted a lot of interest. And we introduced our revised Manifesto.
At the end of the assembly, Vivianne Gunnarsson, Ex Vice Chair for many years got a huge thank you and chocolate from Belgium for her great work. And also a huge thank you to Reino Lampinen, our Ex-General Secretary, who could not be with us this time.
Very exciting was also the next day: We held our board meeting at Christiansborg Palace, the seat of the Danish Parliament, in the green rooms. With high safety standards, same as at airports. Wow, that was Borgen-Feeling – at least for everyone who has seen the thrilling Danish Netflix series about politics in Denmark.
At Kris’ suggestion, we have decided that we will meet once a month via zoom in the future.
We want to talk about key issues for 2023 at the next meeting, including age-friendly cities and an universal elder rights convention.
The discussion of a global elder rights convention would be well suited, for example, to the green world congress in South Korea, which we could accompany online with a fringe meeting.
The next real meeting will be in June in Vienna. We should have a fringe meeting there.
Maybe we can take up the idea of the young deputy from the Czech Republic to give a presentation about the Age-friendly City WHO-Project to the group of Local European Councilors?

In any case, after 3 years of pandemic, it was clear to everyone: a personal meeting can never be replaced by Zoom! So nice, to see each other in real life.