News from our Green Seniors Member Kris Fierens: It has again been difficult in recent months to organize activities with GroenPlus., because the omicron wave. We had to cancel the annual Christmas reception. Some walks were organized in three places, but without much success. In one city the turnout was good with 35 Green+. We hold our monthly national meeting with zoom. But that’s not so exciting. We also wrote a “new year letter” to the party. We believe that the Green party is not sufficiently visible and that it does not sufficiently put important topics on the agenda. We also handed over our Biodiversity Congressional results (Oct 2021) to the party board. Still, due to covid, it’s pretty quiet. Many Green Plus members keep their distance. In February we organize a Spring-reception instead of the New Year’s reception. We hope to be able to restart activities. And we are imaging a new Congress for next year, this time about “housing for elderly people”.