Best website for 50+politics in Europe: AGE 12. June 2012 AGE Platform Europe is a European network of around 165 organisations of and for people aged 50+ which aims to voice and promote the…
Report from ESF Istanbul, 2nd – 4th july 2010 2. September 20103. September 2010 Report from ESF Istanbul, 2nd 4th july 2010: I attended our ENGS-workshop “White paper-draft”, seminar “learning together”, assembly “east –…
Assistance to Elderly Migrants 10. October 200817. June 2012 9th Council Meeting EGP vom 9. -12. Oktober 2008 Workshop: Assistance to Elderly Migrants Birgit Meinhard Schiebel, IGS Wien und…
Report from ESF Istanbul, 2nd – 4th july 2010 2. September 20103. September 2010 Report from ESF Istanbul, 2nd 4th july 2010: I attended our ENGS-workshop “White paper-draft”, seminar “learning together”, assembly “east –…