The new board of Green Seniors

Due to Corona, only two of our board members were present for our board assembly in Riga at the 35th Council.
In order to carry out the budget discharge and the necessary elections, we met for a zoom meeting on Saturday, June 4th.

The following members were newly elected or confirmed:
-Kris Fierens, Belgium, remains Vice Chair for one year
-Irmgard Seidler, Austria, will become new Secretary General of ENGS until 2024 for Frank Hauser, who is stepping down
-Reino Lampinen from Finland will also stop, but will support Irmgard in her work
-Christa Möller-Metzger, Germany, remains Press Officer until 2024
-Erwin Schaefer, England and Wales remains a board member until 2024
-Kerstin Andersson, Sweden, now joins the board, elected until 2024

-Pirkko Teleranta, Finnland, now joins the board, elected until 2024

The president/chair of ENGS is still vacant.

Vivianne Gunnarsson, Ex Vice-President from Sweden and Christa Markl-Vieto, Speaker of Green Seniors in Germany joined the assembly and we had some guests in Riga also.

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